Monday, June 28, 2010

#5 BODY DOUBLE (Dave's Choice)

Dave is on a Brian De Palma kick lately.  On his own time he's been watching Sisters and Carrie, so as soon as I got caught up with this blog, he bumped Body Double up to the top of his list.  We settled in to watch last Sunday after a Non-Father's Father's Day that felt like we'd been on really great day trip. As I've said before, the timing and the mood I'm in before I watch a movie is just as important (if not more important) to me than the movie itself.  Unlike Black Book, the events surrounding BD have turned the film an emotional bookmark in my mind that I will flip back to for years to come anytime I hear any mentioning of Brian De Palma.  As for my opinion on the movie itself, wellllllllllll...

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Clearly, I'm still on a "Films Of '93" kick. Much like Manhattan Murder Mystery, Searching For Bobby Fischer was one of those films I saw as a kid that I thought would bore me, but didn't. All I knew about chess at the time I saw SFBF in the theaters was that Screech on Saved By The Bell was excellent at it. The reason I wanted Dave to see this film was not for its great structure or for the excellent child actor Max Pomeranc who I'm sure (forgive me Dave) grew up to be quite a babe. I wanted to show my bf Searching For... because this movie deals with something Dave and I do a lot: try to give the other an out.

Friday, June 18, 2010


Man, there's nothing like spending a Sunday afternoon following an early morning 10K race like curling up on the couch with your boyfriend to watch a two hour and 15 minute Dutch movie about World War subtitles. I know it sounds like I'm being a jerk about Dave's selection. And while there was nothing I wanted to do more than to scratch another hash mark into the wall of this long movie experience Dave and I have signed up for, I also know that part of the process of this little experiment is going to be the challenge of seeing a great movie at the wrong time.  Such is the case of Paul Verhoeven's Black Book.